Saturday, November 05, 2005


Well things in Duran have begun to settle down a bit, and yet at the same time is beginning to fly by. Each week more busy than the last and each weekend filled with bailes, church concerts and soccer games. This past week was vacation for most the public schools and so I found myself with lots of free time. It was nice because I was able to spend some time at the hospital playing dominoes with Fortunato, who of course swept me under the table. I also had a chance to make another visit to the prison, which I´ve come to find I really enjoy. Of course as Christmas is coming I put in my order for Christmas cards, and as a result will be broke until next pay day. But, así es la vida! Fatima has been working constantly with the store and now that they´ve begun serving food as well she´s working extra hours. She still sits and chats with us, mostly about the hope that she´ll soon be going home. It is amazing that these women still have the hope of going home even after so much time without being sentenced. On Wednesday we went with 15 Ecuadorians from the Arbolito community to Milagros to visit the finca of Patricia´s family. It was crazy! We were able to play soccer on a grass field and went swimming in the river afterward. Lunch was good, as it always is, and after a few more hours there we headed home burnt and tired, but ultimately having enjoyed the day outside the city. As this vacation week comes to a close I was really happy to have the opportunity to visit some sites that I normally am not able to. Tomorrow unfortunately I will be grading exams from 28 de Agosto but I don’t feel so bad having waited this long since they pulled my entire second grade class before the exam to cut their hair. Oh it’s the little Ecuamoments that make this experience that much more enjoyable! But by Monday it´s back to the grind of 28 and Guayasamin gym class. I´m sure the kids will be riled up and ready for more pelota and jumping jacks.

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