Saturday, March 25, 2006

Happy Lent from Duran!

Things here have been a little rocky over the past month or so with dengue, broken bones and strange stomach issues...but we´re still luchando-ing, so that´s good. I think we´ll all be happy to kiss the month of March goodbye as it seems to be a bit cursed! Oh well!

Valdivia summer project is finishing up this week with a week of fun. We´re going to include our geography lessons by playing a game from a different country each day! We´re also doing some art and music. Elvis has really gotten into helping out and he´s running an entire day of comedy for the kids, our Ecua helpers have really been involved latetly which I think we´re all pretty psyched about. Genesis especially has been a huge help running math games every Tuesday and Thursday, it´s really incredible to watch her progress from student to volunteer right before our very eyes. The kids are doing great. We´re having a little drop in numbers so we´re going to have to do some recruiting at the local schools once they start up again. As fun as summer has been, I am looking foward to getting back into the Valdivia swing of things!

Chicas adloscentes are also still luchando for the future of the community. This week concludes our mini summer project and we´re going out with a bang, or a paseo to an unknown destination.

Time is flying and not a day goes by that Jackie doesn´t remind us of that :) !

I hope these words find everyone well.

Peace and Prayers,